Friday, December 31, 2010


Spice burgers and bread. Marshmallows.

Snack (Thursday)

Southern-fried chicken wings. The name of the day is Southern-fried chicken wings.

Dinner (Thursday)

Pasta and seafood in cream sauce.

Snack (Thursday)

Cold Southern-fried chicken wings, marshmallows.

Lunch (Thursday)

Southern-fried chicken wings.

Breakfast (Thursday)


Snack (Wednesday Night)


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dinner (Wednesday)

Tacos, flautos, and other miscellaneous Mexican things.

Lunch (Wednesday)

Steak, fried onions, beans, bread.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snack (Tuesday)

Duck and pork pate and toast.

Dinner (Tuesday)

Steak, sweetcorn.

Lunch (Tuesday)

Bread and kippers.

Dinner (Monday 27/12/10)

Chips, cauliflower, turkey, ham. Raspberry trifle and cream.

Snack (Monday 27/12/10)

Crisps. Smoked salmon, brown bread.

Lunch (Monday 27/12/10)

Pizza, chicken wings.

Breakfast (Monday 27/12/10b)

Fried egg, 2 sausages, rasher, pudding, bread.

Dinner (Sunday 26/12/10)

Turkey and ham sandwiches. Biscuit.

Lunch (Sunday 26/12/10)

Ham, turkey, stuffing.

Breakfast (Sunday 26/12/10)

Fried egg, 2 sausages, rasher, pudding, bread.

Snack (Saturday 25/12/10)

Ham, turkey, stuffing.

Dinner (Saturday 25/12/10)

Smoked salmon and brown bread. Turkey, ham, sprouts, swede and potato gratin, stuffing, peas and carrots. Raspberry trifle and cream.

Breakfast (Saturday 25/12/10)

Fried egg, sausages, rasher, pudding, and toast.

Dinner (Friday 24/12/10)

Fried egg, sausages, rasher, pudding, steak.

Lunch (Friday 24/12/10)

Pasta carbonara.

Snack (Friday 24/12/10)


Breakfast (Friday 24/12/10)


Dinner (Thusday 23/12/10)

Noodles, fried eggs.

Lunch (Thursday 23/12/10)

Foot-long BMT on wheat. 2 doughnuts. Juice.

Breakfast (Thursday 23/12/10)


Snack (Wednesday Night)

Tuna and onion sandwich.

Dinner (Wednesday 22/12/10)

Ray, brussels sprouts. Profiteroles.

Lunch (Wednesday 22/12/10)

Cornish pasty (steak).

Breakfast (Wednesday 22/12/10)


Dinner (Tuesday 21/12/10)


Lunch (Tuesday 21/12/10)

Irish stew.

Breakfast (Tuesday 21/12/10)


Monday, December 20, 2010


Sausages, eggs, black pudding and bread. I am not by and large a fan of fries, but they're worth it sometimes just for the cup of tea which they make taste so much better.


Small Govinda special.


Juice and fish sticks (even I don't think that was a good idea).

Dinner (Sunday)

Roast beef, roast potatoes, mushy peas, and cauliflower. Trifle and ice cream.

Snack (Sunday)

Hummus and a carrot. Some cold ribs (yum).

Lunch (Sunday)

Vegetable soup.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snack (Saturday)

One or two sausages. Homemade vegetable soup.

Dinner (Saturday)

Bacon ribs, spinach, sweetcorn.

Snack (Saturday)

Hummus and carrots.

Breakfast (Saturday)

Fried potatoes, scrambled egg and smoked salmon. Juice.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Snack (Friday)

Beans, pickled cucumbers, smoked cheese.

Dinner (Friday)

Beans, steak and potatoes.

Lunch (Friday)

Minestrone soup and a ham, cheese, tomato and red onion toasted sandwich.

Breakfast (Friday)


Dinner (Thursday)

Cheeses, smoked salmon, pate (chicken liver, tuna), bread (brown and rolls), mince pies.

Lunch (Thursday)

Foot-long BMT on wheat.

Breakfast (Thursday)


Dinner (Wednesday)

Kipper sandwiches, Bovril.

Lunch (Wednesday)

Finger food (cheese and a grape or two; I arrived late).

Breakfast (Wednesday)


Dinner (Tuesday)

Spice burgers on bread.

Snack (Tuesday)

Finger food (chciken wings, olives, salami, etc.).

Snack (Tuesday)

Brazil nuts in chocolate.

Lunch (Tuesday)

Sushi tray and miso.

Breakfast (Tuesday)


Snack (Monday)

Pickled cucumbers. hot chocolate.

Dinner (Monday)

Spice burgers on bread.

Lunch (Monday)

Small Govinda special.

Breakfast (Monday)

Juice, pear.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Snack (Sunday)

Toasted cheese sandwich.

Dinner (Sunday)

Roast pork, roast potatoes, mushy peas, sprouts. Trifle and ice cream.

Lunch (Sunday)

Leek and onion soup. A couple of bacon ribs.

Breakfast (Sunday)

Scrambled egg and smoked salmon on toast. Orange juice.

Snack (Saturday)

Some bacon ribs. Leek and onion soup.

Dinner (Saturday)

Smoked salmon on brown bread. Bacon ribs, spinach, sweetcorn.

Lunch (Saturday)

Toasted cheese sandwiches.

Snack (Friday)

Seafood sticks.

Dinner (Friday)

Finger food (chicken wings, sausages, crisps, etc.).

Lunch (Friday)

Foot-long Italian BMT on wheat.

Breakfast (Friday)

Juice, pear.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dinner (Thursday)

Seafood noodle stir-fry.

Lunch (Thursday)

Salmon and brown bread. Juice.

Breakfast (Thursday)

Juice, ham and cheese sandwich, pear.

Dinner (Wednesday)

Ham, Maasdam, tomato, and red onion sandwiches, toasted and otherwise. Some fish sticks. Pears.

Lunch (Wednesday)

Pork burrito.

Breakfast (Wednesday)

Fish sticks, juice.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dinner (Tuesday)

Seafood noodle stirfry. Fish sticks. Some chocolate.

Lunch (Tuesday)

Pizza slices.

Breakfast (Tuesday)

Juice, some chocolate.

Dinner (Monday)


Lunch (Monday)

Small Govinda special.

Breakfast (Monday)


Dinner (Sunday)

Currywurst, pretzel. Some chocolate.

Lunch (Sunday)

Half a roast pork knuckle. Cabbage salad.

Dinner (Saturday)


Snack (Saturday)

Potato cakes with blue cheese.

Lunch (Saturday)

Some assorted snacks (olives, bruschetta, etc.).

Dinner (Friday)

Lentil soup, cheeses, bread.

Lunch (Friday)

2 jam doughnuts.

Breakfast (Friday)

Sausages, bread. Juice.

Dinner (Thursday)

Roast chicken, beans, bread.

Lunch (Thursday)

Toasted cheese sandwiches.

Breakfast (Thursday)

Kippers, bread, juice.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Supper (Wednesday)

Toasted fried egg and cheese sandwiches.

Lunch (Wednesday)

Chinese buffet; a bit of everything.

Breakfast (Wednesday)

Juice, hummus, bread.

Dinner (Tuesday)

Ham, tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, pickles, hummus and bread.

Lunch (Tuesday)

Sushi tray and miso soup.

Breakfast (Tuesday)

Juice, an apple.